The cooperative and huntsmen in Čečejovce hosted the local community
18. 11. 2024
The festivities on 17 August 2024 in Čečejovce also kicked off with the tour of the collective and the fleet; kids were captivated by new-born calves. The kids could also ride ponies, and they got small toys and sweets.

Open Day and Municipal Day in Čečejovce
9. 9. 2019
Despite the fact that the harvest on our farms this year was smaller than the year before - due to the long period of draught and the invasion of voles – the traditions must be respected, which is also why our agricultural cooperatives of PD Čečejovce and PD Popudinské Močidľany decided to organize the Open Day and the Harvest Festival.

25 years of Energy Group
7. 1. 2019
Towards the end of 2018 the Energy Group, together with the employees, celebrated 25 years of its existence. At the anniversary Gala Night in Hotel sv. Ludmila there were things to remember and things to thank for, awards to be appointed and people to meet, or even to dance with.